Prepare your bodies for the stress of running at HPC.
When running, you take 160-180 steps EVERY MINUTE…that’s roughly 5000 steps during at 30 minute run. And, each time your foot hits the ground, your legs have to absorb 2.5-3 times your bodyweight.
This constant stress will cause injury. Statistics show up to 70% of runners get injured every year. Leaving runners taking shortcuts to get fit before their big races.
However, there are some key things you can do to reduce the risk of injury. We have put together a semi-private circuit training session especially for distance runners, to strengthen key stabilizers in the feet, shins, and hips to improve running form and reduce the stress on your bodies.
Every training session includes the following:
- Running Strength Exercises – We target the primary muscles involved in propulsion to make you stronger and faster.
- Running Mobility/Stability – Improve the strength in your feet, shins, and hips — key areas shown to reduce running-related injuries.
- Running Form Drills – Fun, easy to learn drills to make your running form more efficient so you feel taller, lighter, and faster.
When: Coming Soon!
Cost: $30 per class