Dry Needling

We are excited to offer Dry Needling at Performance Mechanics, provided by Peak Needle Performance, LLC.

Dry needling in Ann Arbor, Michigan for sports injuries and recovery.

It is a 3-person team of Beth Remke, Carter Pallett, and Brian Brewster. They are part of the sports medicine staff for the University of Michigan athletes, and have now brought their talents to the general public.

What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a skilled technique where thin needles are inserted into specific points in muscles, often targeting trigger points, to alleviate pain and improve muscle function; it is considered a western medicine approach, unlike acupuncture which is based on traditional Chinese medicine.

What Can I Expect?

A practitioner will locate trigger points in your muscles and insert the needles, sometimes causing a “twitch response” in the muscle. The number of needles used Is based on the treatment area and outcome desired.

Does it Hurt?

While some discomfort may be felt during needle insertion, most people describe the sensation as a deep ache and/or mild prick or twitch when the needle hits a trigger point.

Are There Side-Effects?

Mild soreness, bruising at the needle insertion site, and temporary fatigue are common after treatment. Increasing fluids and staying active decrease the side effects. There Is a small chance of an Infection since we are breaking the skin.

Click here to view their website for pricing and more information

Book an Appointment!

To book an appointment, please click here to view and fill out their new client intake form.

If you have lingering problems, please give dry needling a try to get your body ready to compete.